Monday, February 1, 2010


Did anyone else see this little blurb on MSN today?:

The "Glee" cast is expanding -- and you have a shot at joining the show. Find out how you can apply, plus the scoop on what's in store for the series (Madonna alert!) and its characters.

Um....yes PLEASE! I want IN!

Unfortunately, A. I am over the age limit (26 max) and B. They already have a preggers character so I guess that means I'd be a bit redundant huh?



Jamieofalltrades said...

We'll go to the tour when they come to town.

Ailie said...

But you would be oh-so perfect for the show!!

Michelle said...

Ha! Move over Quinn, there's a new prego cheerio! You would be perfect! 26? That's lame...

Lyndsy said...

Aww nuts!

Kris said...

Stupid age limit!! You would be the best singing pregnant cheerleader!!

Matt and Teresa said...

Did you hear Taylor Swift might also make an appearance on the show?