Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My week...

Monday: Council Meeting for Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Tuesday: Rehearsal
Wednesday: Rehearsal with orchestra
Thursday: Halloween party for SCCA at Fred Hutch School
And finally Friday: Halloween Party!

Before I get to Friday though I need to: get the laundry done (we bought our costumes from Value Village...nuff said), finish costumes(almost there!), and attempt to stay true to my work out routine goal....let's be honest, that is going to be hard this week...

How do our lives get so busy?


Erin said...

Busy week Mrs. Juhl! Will I see you Thurs night for bootcamp?

Courtney said... I have to be in Seattle for the Halloween Party (dressed up) by 7. I don't think there is any way I would make it in time...

Michelle said...

Um, correction: how did YOUR life get so busy! :) Haha jk, though I can't relate this week because I have been laying on my couch watching tv every single night! ;)