...when the weather is hot!
And it HAS been hot. Our summer. Our Seattle summer. The best summer I've yet to experience in my almost 12 years of living here. It's been truly incredible. Sun for days.
This past week there has been the ever-so-slightest-hint that fall is on it's way...and while I certainly love pretty much everything that fall brings along with it, I'm hanging on to summer just a little longer.
In a few months time when it is dark and rainy, I am going to look back on these pictures and remember these days...days spent almost entirely outdoors, sticky hands, sunscreen, family, friends who are family, and the feel of the sunshine on our shoulders.
Summer loving...
Compound Yakipalooza Weekend
How this was our first year attending this annual tradition is a mystery to me, because hello!?! This place is amazing! Our friend Sarah's family lives on some property in Yakima, lovingly named The Compound, and they open it up once a year to our crew. Swimming, camping, hanging, talent showing...it was such a wonderful get away. We are really hoping to get an invite back for years to come! (Sarah, you reading this?!)
There may or may not have been a Twinkie eating "contest" that my husband participated in. I put contest in quotes because he was the.only.participant. Get these fraternity brothers together and the dares and challenges don't stop. At least it paid for our gas money?
Kids and adults agree...an overside Slip and Slide is a fabulous idea.
(most of the really pretty pics from this weekend are c/o my talented girl Erin Ewing)
One year checkup
We had our one year post PDA heart fix check up back at Children's and little dovie's heart is doing fabulously. We are still so in awe of our brave little one, the amazing surgeon and nurses...the whole experience. How fortunate we are.
It is so special to be witness to the amazing connection these two continue to develop and grow in. I'm so thankful they have each other and I pray they will be each others best friends through all of their journeys.
Just don't try and separate them or you will be met with this face...every.time. Someone wasn't too happy when sister would leave for swimming lessons.
Happy Birthday daddy
We love you sooooooooo much, and we are just so thankful that you are ours. 35 is going to be a good year, I can feel it.
Suncadia Weekend (and JJ is here!!)
We enjoyed another fabulous weekend (er, weekend day) at our second favorite place east of the mountains (Walla Walla is #1...as if you didn't know that by now). We love Suncadia. We love that friends have an amazing house in Suncadia. We love that they invite us for weekend gatherings in Suncadia.
One of these kids is not like the other... JJ told them all to scream. Meanwhile, Madeleine couldn't be bothered. Just taking care of some business. #likeaboss
We don't love forgetting Pack and Play's and throwing in the towel at 9 p.m. at night and driving home because a certain little person wasn't having it.
But oh, it was so good while it lasted.
Laurelhurst Beach Clubbin' (did I mention JJ was home?!)
These girls and their friendship. One of these days I'm going to get their giggles on tape and save it for whenever I need to smile. It's the best.
Wexler Wedding Extravaganza
This was possibly our last wedding for a little while, so we lived it up...and it wasn't hard because the Georgetown venue, the gorgeous bride, the wedding band...it all made for a night we won't soon be forgetting. Dance, dance, dance and more dance. I love LOVE. And I love a good wedding.
The Backyardigans
We have so loved spending our days and evenings on our backyard...and the backyard of our friends and family. I think it's something I'm going to take away most from this summer...so many evenings lingering outdoors.
Teta and her girls. Lapful of love right there.
"In the summertime when the weather is hot
You can stretch right up and touch the sky"
You can stretch right up and touch the sky"
Thank you Summer.
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