Sunday, April 5, 2009

Palm Sunday Concert

"No poet in the world is greater than Johann Sebastian Bach. No art but music could have given artistic shape to the Christian religion, for it alone could catch up and reflect the glance into the soul...There are chorales by Johann Sebastian Bach...which in the simple, literal sense of the word are the most Christ-like sounds ever heard since the divine voice died into silence upon the Cross."
-Houston Stewart Chamberlain

Our concert today of Bach's "St. John Passion" tells the story of the Passion (suffering) of Christ as it appears in the Gospel of John. It was intense, beautiful, heart-breaking and a perfect final concert of the season for me. Hopefully our chorales were as lovely as described in the above quote :) I know that for me, singing with this group is a huge honor and quite honestly a very spiritual experience...there is nothing better than when it all comes together for the performance.
I also kind of liked that apparently it is a tradition in Europe to start the week of Easter by listening to this monumental piece. We're so very European!

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