It was, however, a pen. A VERY LOVELY, SEXY and SOPHISTICATED pen mind you...but do I really need something so extravagant?? What could I write that would warrent needing a Tiffany pen? Seems too special to just use for my daily check balancing.
So is it bad if I return it for something different? It's a corporate account so I don't think they'd ever know...but I still feel guilty. Thoughts?
Hmmmm. I think it depends on the "meaning" behind the pen. If it was just a nice jesture, I'd probably exchange it, but if it was for something sentimental, I'd probably keep it! Good luck!
Exchange it! :)
You're right, they'll never know!!
Yes Exchange, exchange!!!
Excuse me, a pen??? Exchange ASAP please!
Absolutely exchange it.
Ditto on exchanging. I once had a fancy pen, and I lost it. I wouldn't lose a fabulous necklace though. :)
Get want you want! I'm sure if they knew you didn't love, they would be fine if you got something you did. And... think about this... if they've given you stuff on more than one occasion maybe they are running out of 'business appropriate' Tiffany gifts so the pen is next in line? If they got you a necklace or something, wouldn't that be weird? I can just see the conversation...
Person: "Who got you that beautiful necklace?"
You: "Oh, an insurance company I work with."
Person: "Oh... that's nice?" :)
Wow! I don't think I've ever left a comment this long on any blog. I must feel really passionate about this topic!
Ha! What's funny James is that I DO actually have neclaces, earrings, rings and bracelets from them :) hee hee
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